Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Nexus Project

I have been thinking for some time to start a new project. I was going to continue a CVS project from college designed for open source projects but the web is kinda full of CVS projects these days and people are starting to distrust these applications because of their security holes.

I discussed some ideas with someone else to try rattle off a number of ideas which could get us interested in creating some projects as it keeps us up to date with programming as its not really part of my job these days.

One of the ideas that got us both interested was a project management application. I want to create a project management web based application that is not over complicated to the average user. I want clients to use the app that have no idea of computer languages and how it all works and why should they care? Yes, Microsoft project Management exists but its more aimed at enterprise use that a small company or a group of individuals doing a small project that just want some collaboration and organisation. Even if it doesn't get used its would still be an excellent tool to use myself in future projects.

I looked at two of the best well know applications that do project management at ease, basecamp and active collab. Active collab used to be down loadable and you could install it yourself but now you can purchase the service from them which is hosted by active collab. Basecamp which is probably the better app in my opinion has always been a paid for service.

What I want to do is harness the good parts of both these applications and add to what I think would be an advantage to individuals, small group's, and small companies who want to manage a project and I wish to provide that service for FREE.

It's an ambishes project which will take a considerate amount of time, but is interesting enough that I wont drop it as soon as it gets difficult. FLEX was mentioned to me as an interface for the project, which can give the project a more modern look but not at the expense of speed. I will use PHP for the logic behind the interface and the reliable MySQL as the backend.

Wish me luck :-)
